Author of the week 2/20


William Wordsworth, the pioneer of romanticism in English literature was born on 7th April
1770 in cocker mouth in Cumberland, England. His parents were John Wordsworth and Anne
Cookson. He got his BA degree in 1791 at Oxford College. He published his first poems called
"Evening Walks" in 1783 along with his friend S.T Coleridge. He published lyrical ballet in 1798.

William Wordsworth is popularly known as "Nature's poet". For him nature was God. He worshipped nature with all sincerity. Thus he is popularly known as" High Priest of Nature". Whenever he was in distress disappointment and dejection he would go to the nature for consolation .Thus nature was his healer, in this way he always propagated the natural settings and nature. In other words he rejected materialism that was in existence at the time in England.

His most famous poems are Prelude which is said to be his magnum opus, The world is too much with us, The solitary Reaper, intimations of immortality, composed upon Westminster bridge etc.

He died on 23rd April 1850 at the age of 80 in Rydal, Westmorland.


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