Creative writing

                              Temporarily permanent!

                                                                             - Poornashree KN

Nothing is permanent,

Not even your friends,

As they may betray you one day.

Not even your family,

As their love exists only until their death.

Not even strangers,

As they are just your visitors.

Nor your Happiness or sadness,

Wealth or poverty,

Anger or fear are eternal.

Not even your so called selfness remains,

As your soul of your self gets disappeared at your last breath,

Not even your living world is permanent,

As it may end ,

In the same way of its geographical formation.

Then ! being in the temporary journey,

Of conscious life to an unconscious end.

Why do you get annoyed by,

Such a minute atom of obstacle that comes in your way?


Even the overflow of thoughts are temporary,

Which often changes its version within a second of time .


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