
Exploring Mental Health Through the Lens of Literature and Cinema

Exploring Mental Health Through the Lens of Literature and Cinema                                                                                                                                                                                  - Angel Shaina Mental health is a topic that literature has explored for centuries, offering profound insights into the struggles, complexities, and triumphs of the human mind. From novels and short stories to poetry, these narratives help us better understand the invisible battles people face and the emotions that are often left unspoken. On the 26th of September 2024, the English Department hosted a thought-provoking mental health awareness program that emphasized the role of literature and cinema in destigmatizing mental health issues. Led by two speakers from the Department of Postgraduate Studies in Psychology, Miss Tessi and Miss Vaidehi, the event provided an enlightening discussion on how literature and film have historically contributed t

And Make Everything Right

There was a time, When someone held you tight, Never letting you go away There was a time, When they lifted you in their arms Thinking they could owe you, Gradually they began to push you towards the darkside By never heeding to your dreams. Little did they know, that you were shattered from within. But continued to force yourself to be changed, By following their likes and dreams. Finally, nothing helped their efforts to bear fruit. And now the time has arrived, Where you wish to go back and make everything right.                                                                                                 - Lavita Rego

Unburdened Soul

     I harbored anger      Not at everything hurled my way       Or the sharpness of words that could have been fatal.       It wasn't about the potential disaster for everyone around me.       My anger stemmed from allowing them to hit me with full force,      Neglecting the consequences for my heart,       Already too broken to break again.      At war with my emotions, my thoughts,       My actions were beyond comprehension.       Lost love, believing never to be found.       But for how long will I blame the reality      And the burns in my heart      Which I cannot tell the world.       Now I know what I must do, at once      I must stop the crimson fluid from flowing,       And painting the ocean red      For once I give myself a second chance      To forgive myself      To love myself more.                                                                                                                                                                                           


   Will I be ever enough?  Skills! They say it matters the most   Don't I have any or is there something that's covering it up?  My insecurities, perplexion and doubts,   That I've been carrying its weight for so long,   A big stage, focused audience and the three people who are especially invited to judge me,   To judge all my mistakes and strengths  Echoed my voice a thousand times.  What if I'm considered an unskilled person?  By all those who didn't even know I existed on this planet until now.  'Just go with the flow   Dive into the sea  Accept your flaws'  Told the beloved ones   But it didn't leave a single tint of acceptance  Acceptance of myself  Acceptance of the way I am  For at the end all I've got is 'me'  Pondered the mind so much   Will I be ever enough?                                                                                                                                                                                 

I am that bird

 I am that bird  chirping to the tone  of my master all day  humming as if a cheery one;  my wings have forgotten  to stretch and fly  under the blue skies  with friends around   living a life of an  illusionary freedom.   I miss being that bird   chirping to my favorite   tone in line with the rhythm  of moving clouds;  my wings whirl   to the beats of rain  sometimes being drenched  in the drops and sometimes   hiding myself from   the rumble of thunder  with friends around,   loving a life of an  absolute freedom.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   - Pavithra Tej


  The concept of patience is often taken for granted, yet it plays a vital role in our lives. Patience can be defined as the ability to endure delay, difficulties, or frustration without becoming annoyed or upset. It is a virtue that allows us to navigate through life’s challenges with grace, understanding, and resilience. In today’s fast paced world, patience is becoming increasingly scarce. We have become accustomed to instant gratification, with technology providing us with instant access to information, communication, and entertainment. This has led to a decrease in our capability to have patience even in the most mundane situations. However, cultivating patience is crucial for personal growth and success. Patience allows us to approach tasks with a calm and collected mindset, enabling us to make better decisions and avoid impulsive actions. It helps us develop a long term perspective, understanding that achieving meaningful goals takes time, effort and perseverance. Addition

The Darkness

  Comforted Silence, Engaged peace in mind. Dark my foe, Granted calm emotions; Where nobody neglected And encourage my own!   My wrath heals within Oh! Darkness, what a peace I Gain from thee. Wherever you’re, my soul always yearns and Craves upon you.   My Dear, Will you always Stay few more minutes, Just to strengthen my will And give me positive vibe That will ensure my living Without any of obstacles.   Promise me, oh Dark, My Foe To be always continue and Extend my free within self Wah! You’re always my forever companion. An Enduring peace Till date and Occurring infinite Smile upon inner heart.   In absence of you, I would rather blind fold Just remembrance of your jolly hand And hold onto tide without fear of losing you. Could you stay a little longer to cherish My un-forgetfulness peace I gain As remember! Stay with me.